How Much Does It Cost to Build a Custom House in Texas?
People are building houses in Texas left and right. Some people already live in Texas and are looking for a newer or better house while others are moving into Texas from outside of the state. And we’re talking about a lot of people because Texas is the fastest growing state by population according to the 2020 census. Before any of these people actually start building a house in Texas they all spend time grappling with one key question: how much does it cost to build a custom house in Texas? The answer varies a lot because of so many factors that can impact the cost of building a custom house in Texas but this article will go over some of the main factors. A custom home builder in Houston, Texas , can expect to spend $300,000, for starters. Note this amount is only talking about the house itself and however much or little land that goes with the house is a completely separate cost. Houston, Texas, is a popular example because that is the fastest growing area of Texa...